About this Site

My name is Christopher Bolton, and I've been using Apple computers since the 1980s. At one point I had a very brief career as a software developer, and now I teach comparative and Japanese literature at Williams College, so this site represents a convergence of my different interests.

The Mac has supported Japanese for a long time, but in the early days it was not easy for English-speaking Mac users to install Japanese support and find compatible applications. This site started in 1999 to help with that. Today using Japanese on a Mac is almost entirely seamless, so now the site is streamlined to focus on getting language students and other beginners up and running using Japanese with the most common applications.

The instructions on this site should work for any fairly recent (or even slightly old) version of macOS. If for some reason you need information about using Japanese with much older versions, you might consult an earlier archived version of this site. You can view earlier versions of the site at the Internet Archive. For those with historical interests, very old (pre-2005) versions, are archived under the site's old URL, which was https://faculty.ucr.edu/~bolton.

If you have questions or comments about this site, please feel free to email me at bolton at redcocoon.org.

Site Credits

I am responsible for the content, coding, web design, and photography on the site. All pages should conform to standards for HTML 4.01. © Christopher Bolton.

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