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Site Details

I started this site in 1998. All of the pages were made on Macs, which I've been using since 1985. (Before that, it was an Apple //e.) I use BBEdit to maintain the site.

Made on a Mac

I feel that pages like these should be coded simply, and observe standards. All the code on this site pages should be valid CSS and HTML 5.

23C Valid CSS 23C Valid HTML 5

The page backgrounds of the main site show Japanese seasonal motifs that change four times a year. They come from the Mangekyō/Kaleidoscope site. If you are using a browser that supports alternate style sheets, you can see the backgrounds for seasons other than the current one; in Firefox, for example, select Page Style from the View menu.

Kaleidoscipe logo

The newer portions of the site have a more modern design, but the graphics and the overall look of many pages are decidedly retro. I've kept them that way out of nostalgia for the earlier days of the web.

For those curious about the domain name, "The Red Cocoon" (「赤い繭」) is a 1950 short story by the Japanese author Abe Kōbō. For more on Abe, see my Books page elsewhere on this site.